Source code for bandersnatch.configuration

Module containing classes to access the bandersnatch configuration file

import configparser
import importlib.resources
import logging
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, NamedTuple

from .config.diff_file_reference import eval_config_reference, has_config_reference
from .simple import SimpleDigest, SimpleFormat, get_digest_value, get_format_value

logger = logging.getLogger("bandersnatch")

[docs] class SetConfigValues(NamedTuple): json_save: bool root_uri: str diff_file_path: str diff_append_epoch: bool digest_name: str storage_backend_name: str cleanup: bool release_files_save: bool compare_method: str download_mirror: str download_mirror_no_fallback: bool simple_format: SimpleFormat
[docs] class Singleton(type): # pragma: no cover _instances: dict["Singleton", type] = {} def __call__(cls, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> type: if cls not in cls._instances: cls._instances[cls] = super().__call__(*args, **kwargs) return cls._instances[cls]
[docs] class BandersnatchConfig(metaclass=Singleton): # Ensure we only show the deprecations once SHOWN_DEPRECATIONS = False def __init__(self, config_file: str | None = None) -> None: """ Bandersnatch configuration class singleton This class is a singleton that parses the configuration once at the start time. Parameters ========== config_file: str, optional Path to the configuration file to use """ self.found_deprecations: list[str] = [] self.default_config_file = str( importlib.resources.files("bandersnatch") / "default.conf" ) self.config_file = config_file self.load_configuration() # Keeping for future deprecations ... Commenting to save function call etc. # self.check_for_deprecations()
[docs] def check_for_deprecations(self) -> None: if self.SHOWN_DEPRECATIONS: return self.SHOWN_DEPRECATIONS = True
[docs] def load_configuration(self) -> None: """ Read the configuration from a configuration file """ config_file = self.default_config_file if self.config_file: config_file = self.config_file self.config = configparser.ConfigParser(delimiters="=") # mypy is unhappy with us assigning to a method - (monkeypatching?) self.config.optionxform = lambda option: option # type: ignore
[docs] def validate_config_values( # noqa: C901 config: configparser.ConfigParser, ) -> SetConfigValues: try: json_save = config.getboolean("mirror", "json") except configparser.NoOptionError: logger.error( "Please update your config to include a json " + "boolean in the [mirror] section. Setting to False" ) json_save = False try: root_uri = config.get("mirror", "root_uri") except configparser.NoOptionError: root_uri = "" try: diff_file_path = config.get("mirror", "diff-file") except configparser.NoOptionError: diff_file_path = "" if diff_file_path and has_config_reference(diff_file_path): try: diff_file_path = eval_config_reference(config, diff_file_path) except ValueError as err: logger.error( "Invalid section reference in `diff-file` key: %s. Saving diff files in base mirror directory.", str(err), ) mirror_dir = config.get("mirror", "directory") diff_file_path = (Path(mirror_dir) / "mirrored-files").as_posix() try: diff_append_epoch = config.getboolean("mirror", "diff-append-epoch") except configparser.NoOptionError: diff_append_epoch = False try: logger.debug("Checking config for storage backend...") storage_backend_name = config.get("mirror", "storage-backend") logger.debug("Found storage backend in config!") except configparser.NoOptionError: storage_backend_name = "filesystem" logger.debug( "Failed to find storage backend in config, falling back to default!" )"Selected storage backend: {storage_backend_name}") try: digest_name = get_digest_value(config.get("mirror", "digest_name")) except configparser.NoOptionError: digest_name = SimpleDigest.SHA256 logger.debug(f"Using digest {digest_name} by default ...") except ValueError as e: logger.error( f"Supplied digest_name {config.get('mirror', 'digest_name')} is " + "not supported! Please update the digest_name in the [mirror] " + "section of your config to a supported digest value." ) raise e try: cleanup = config.getboolean("mirror", "cleanup") except configparser.NoOptionError: logger.debug( "bandersnatch is not cleaning up non PEP 503 normalized Simple " + "API directories" ) cleanup = False release_files_save = config.getboolean("mirror", "release-files", fallback=True) if not release_files_save and not root_uri: root_uri = "" logger.error( "Please update your config to include a root_uri in the [mirror] " + "section when disabling release file sync. Setting to " + root_uri ) try: logger.debug("Checking config for compare method...") compare_method = config.get("mirror", "compare-method") logger.debug("Found compare method in config!") except configparser.NoOptionError: compare_method = "hash" logger.debug( "Failed to find compare method in config, falling back to default!" ) if compare_method not in ("hash", "stat"): raise ValueError( f"Supplied compare_method {compare_method} is not supported! Please " + "update compare_method to one of ('hash', 'stat') in the [mirror] " + "section." )"Selected compare method: {compare_method}") try: logger.debug("Checking config for alternative download mirror...") download_mirror = config.get("mirror", "download-mirror")"Selected alternative download mirror {download_mirror}") except configparser.NoOptionError: download_mirror = "" logger.debug("No alternative download mirror found in config.") if download_mirror: try: logger.debug( "Checking config for only download from alternative download" + "mirror..." ) download_mirror_no_fallback = config.getboolean( "mirror", "download-mirror-no-fallback" ) if download_mirror_no_fallback:"Setting to download from mirror without fallback") else: logger.debug("Setting to fallback to original if download mirror fails") except configparser.NoOptionError: download_mirror_no_fallback = False logger.debug("No download mirror fallback setting found in config.") else: download_mirror_no_fallback = False logger.debug( "Skip checking download-mirror-no-fallback because dependent option" + "is not set in config." ) try: simple_format = get_format_value(config.get("mirror", "simple-format")) except configparser.NoOptionError: logger.debug("Storing all Simple Formats by default ...") simple_format = SimpleFormat.ALL return SetConfigValues( json_save, root_uri, diff_file_path, diff_append_epoch, digest_name, storage_backend_name, cleanup, release_files_save, compare_method, download_mirror, download_mirror_no_fallback, simple_format, )