Source code for bandersnatch_storage_plugins.swift

import atexit
import base64
import configparser
import contextlib
import datetime
import hashlib
import io
import logging
import os
import pathlib
import re
import sys
import tempfile
from typing import (

import filelock
import keystoneauth1
import keystoneauth1.exceptions.catalog
import keystoneauth1.identity
import swiftclient.client
import swiftclient.exceptions

from import PATH_TYPES, StoragePlugin

logger = logging.getLogger("bandersnatch")

# See for explanation
BASE64_RE = re.compile(b"^([A-Za-z0-9+/]{4})*([A-Za-z0-9+/]{3}=|[A-Za-z0-9+/]{2}==)?$")

[docs]class SwiftFileLock(filelock.BaseFileLock): """ Simply watches the existence of the lock file. """ def __init__( self, lock_file: str, timeout: int = -1, backend: Optional["SwiftStorage"] = None, ) -> None: # The path to the lock file. self.backend: Optional["SwiftStorage"] = backend self._lock_file_fd: Optional["SwiftPath"] super().__init__(lock_file, timeout=timeout) @property def path_backend(self) -> Type["SwiftPath"]: if self.backend is not None: return self.backend.PATH_BACKEND raise RuntimeError("Failed to retrieve swift backend") def _acquire(self) -> None: try:"Attempting to acquire lock") fd: "SwiftPath" = self.path_backend(self.lock_file) fd.write_bytes(b"") except OSError as exc: logger.error("Failed to acquire lock...") logger.exception("Exception: ", exc) pass else:"Acquired lock: {self.lock_file}") self._lock_file_fd = fd return None def _release(self) -> None: self._lock_file_fd = None try:"Removing lock: {self.lock_file}") self.path_backend(self.lock_file).unlink() except OSError as exc: logger.error("Failed to remove lockfile") logger.exception("Exception: ", exc) pass else:"Successfully cleaned up lock") return None @property def is_locked(self) -> bool: return self.path_backend(self.lock_file).exists()
# TODO: Refactor this out into reusable base class? class _SwiftAccessor: BACKEND: "SwiftStorage" @classmethod def register_backend(cls, backend: "SwiftStorage") -> None: cls.BACKEND = backend return @staticmethod def stat(target: str) -> NoReturn: raise NotImplementedError("stat() not available on this system") @staticmethod def lstat(target: str) -> NoReturn: raise NotImplementedError("lstat() not available on this system") @staticmethod def open(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> IO: context: contextlib.ExitStack = contextlib.ExitStack() fh: IO = context.enter_context( _SwiftAccessor.BACKEND.open_file(*args, **kwargs) ) atexit.register(context.close) return fh @staticmethod def listdir(target: str) -> List[str]: results: List[str] = [] if not target.endswith("/"): target = f"{target}/" with _SwiftAccessor.BACKEND.connection() as conn: paths = conn.get_container( _SwiftAccessor.BACKEND.default_container, prefix=target, delimiter="/" ) for p in paths: if "subdir" in p: result = p["subdir"] if not str(result).endswith("/"): result = type(result)(f"{p['subdir']!s}/") else: result = p["name"] results.append(result) return results @staticmethod def scandir(target: str) -> NoReturn: raise NotImplementedError("scandir() is not available on this platform") @staticmethod def chmod(target: str) -> NoReturn: raise NotImplementedError("chmod() is not available on this platform") def lchmod(self, pathobj: str, mode: int) -> NoReturn: raise NotImplementedError("lchmod() not available on this system") @staticmethod def mkdir(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: return _SwiftAccessor.BACKEND.mkdir(*args, **kwargs) @staticmethod def unlink(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: missing_ok = kwargs.pop("missing_ok", False) try: _SwiftAccessor.BACKEND.delete_file(*args, **kwargs) except OSError as exc: if not missing_ok: logger.exception("Failed to delete non-existent file...", exc) pass return None @staticmethod def link(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: return _SwiftAccessor.BACKEND.copy_file(*args, **kwargs) @staticmethod def rmdir(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: try: _SwiftAccessor.BACKEND.rmdir(*args, **kwargs) except OSError: pass return None @staticmethod def rename(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: return _SwiftAccessor.BACKEND.copy_file(*args, **kwargs) @staticmethod def replace(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: return _SwiftAccessor.BACKEND.copy_file(*args, **kwargs) @staticmethod def symlink( a: PATH_TYPES, b: PATH_TYPES, target_is_directory: bool = False, src_container: Optional[str] = None, src_account: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: return _SwiftAccessor.BACKEND.symlink( a, b, src_container=src_container, src_account=src_account ) @staticmethod def utime(target: str) -> None: return _SwiftAccessor.BACKEND.update_timestamp(target) # Helper for resolve() def readlink(self, path: str) -> str: return str(path) _swift_accessor: Type[_SwiftAccessor]
[docs]class SwiftPath(pathlib.Path): _flavour = getattr(pathlib, "_posix_flavour") # noqa BACKEND: "SwiftStorage" __slots__ = ( "_drv", "_root", "_parts", "_str", "_hash", "_pparts", "_cached_cparts", "_accessor", "_closed", ) def __new__(cls, *args: Any) -> "SwiftPath": self = cls._from_parts(args, init=False) self._init() return self def _init(self) -> None: self._accessor = _SwiftAccessor def __str__(self) -> str: """Return the string representation of the path, suitable for passing to system calls.""" try: return self._str # type: ignore except AttributeError: self._str = ( self._format_parsed_parts( # type: ignore self._drv, # type: ignore self._root, # type: ignore self._parts, # type: ignore ) or "." ) return self._str def __fspath__(self) -> str: return str(self) def __bytes__(self) -> bytes: """Return the bytes representation of the path. This is only recommended to use under Unix.""" return os.fsencode(str(self)) def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({self.as_posix()!r})" def _make_child_relpath(self, part: str) -> "SwiftPath": # This is an optimization used for dir walking. `part` must be # a single part relative to this path. parts = self._parts + [os.path.relpath(part, start=str(self))] # type: ignore return self._from_parsed_parts(self._drv, self._root, parts) # type: ignore @classmethod def _parse_args(cls, args: Sequence[str]) -> Tuple[Optional[str], str, List[str]]: # This is useful when you don't want to create an instance, just # canonicalize some constructor arguments. parts: List[str] = [] for a in args: a = os.fspath(a) if isinstance(a, str): # Force-cast str subclasses to str (issue #21127) parts.append(str(a)) else: raise TypeError( "argument should be a str object or an os.PathLike " f"object returning str, not {type(a)}" ) # Modification to prevent us from starting swift paths with "/" if parts[0].startswith("/"): parts[0] = parts[0].lstrip("/") return cls._flavour.parse_parts(parts) # type: ignore @classmethod def _from_parts(cls, args: Sequence[str], init: bool = True) -> "SwiftPath": # We need to call _parse_args on the instance, so as to get the # right flavour. self = object.__new__(cls) drv, root, parts = self._parse_args(args) self._drv = drv self._root = root self._parts = parts if init: self._init() return self # type: ignore @classmethod def _from_parsed_parts( cls, drv: Optional[str], root: str, parts: List[str], init: bool = True ) -> "SwiftPath": self = object.__new__(cls) self._drv = drv self._root = root self._parts = parts if init: self._init() return self # type: ignore
[docs] @classmethod def register_backend(cls, backend: "SwiftStorage") -> None: cls.BACKEND = backend return
@property def backend(self) -> "SwiftStorage": assert self.BACKEND is not None return self.BACKEND
[docs] def absolute(self) -> "SwiftPath": return self
[docs] def touch(self) -> None: # type: ignore[override] self.write_bytes(b"")
[docs] def is_dir(self) -> bool: target_path = str(self) if ( target_path and target_path != "." and not target_path.endswith(self._flavour.sep) ): target_path = f"{target_path}{self._flavour.sep}" files: List[str] = [] with self.backend.connection() as conn: try: files = conn.get_container( self.backend.default_container, prefix=target_path ) except swiftclient.exceptions.ClientException: return False return bool(files)
[docs] def is_file(self) -> bool: return self.backend.is_file(str(self))
[docs] def exists(self) -> bool: return self.backend.exists(str(self))
[docs] def mkdir( self, mode: int = 511, parents: bool = False, exist_ok: bool = False ) -> None: return self.backend.mkdir(str(self), exist_ok=exist_ok, parents=parents)
[docs] def read_text( self, encoding: Optional[str] = None, errors: Optional[str] = None ) -> str: kwargs = {} if encoding is not None: kwargs["encoding"] = encoding if errors is not None: kwargs["errors"] = errors result = self.backend.read_file(str(self), text=True, **kwargs) assert isinstance(result, str) return result
[docs] def write_text( self, contents: Optional[str], encoding: Optional[str] = "utf-8", errors: Optional[str] = None, ) -> int: if contents is None: contents = "" self.backend.write_file( str(self), contents=contents, encoding=encoding, errors=errors ) return 0
[docs] def write_bytes( self, contents: bytes, encoding: Optional[str] = "utf-8", errors: Optional[str] = None, ) -> int: self.backend.write_file( str(self), contents=contents, encoding=encoding, errors=errors ) return 0
[docs] def read_bytes(self) -> bytes: result = self.backend.read_file(str(self), text=False) assert isinstance(result, bytes) return result
[docs] def iterdir( self, conn: Optional[swiftclient.client.Connection] = None, recurse: bool = False, include_swiftkeep: bool = False, ) -> Generator["SwiftPath", None, None]: """Iterate over the files in this directory. Does not yield any result for the special paths '.' and '..'. """ for name in self._accessor.listdir(str(self)): if name in {".", ".."} or name == ".swiftkeep" and not include_swiftkeep: # Yielding a path object for these makes little sense continue path = self._make_child_relpath(name) if not recurse or not str(name).endswith("/") or not path.is_dir(): yield path else: yield path yield from path.iterdir(conn=conn, recurse=recurse)
[docs]class SwiftStorage(StoragePlugin): name = "swift" PATH_BACKEND = SwiftPath @property def directory(self) -> str: try: return self.configuration.get("mirror", "directory") except configparser.NoOptionError: return "srv/pypi"
[docs] def get_config_value( self, config_key: str, *env_keys: Any, default: Optional[str] = None ) -> Optional[str]: value = None try: value = self.configuration["swift"][config_key] except KeyError: os_key = next(iter(k for k in env_keys if k in os.environ), None) if os_key is not None: value = os.environ[os_key] if value is None: value = default return value
[docs] def initialize_plugin(self) -> None: """ Code to initialize the plugin """ swift_credentials = { "user_domain_name": self.get_config_value( "user_domain_name", "OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME", default="default" ), "project_domain_name": self.get_config_value( "project_domain_name", "OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME", default="default" ), "password": self.get_config_value("password", "OS_PASSWORD"), } os_options: Dict[str, Any] = {} user_id = self.get_config_value("username", "OS_USER_ID", "OS_USERNAME") project = self.get_config_value( "project_name", "OS_PROJECT_NAME", "OS_TENANT_NAME" ) auth_url = self.get_config_value( "auth_url", "OS_AUTH_URL", "OS_AUTHENTICATION_URL" ) object_storage_url = self.get_config_value( "object_storage_url", "OS_STORAGE_URL" ) region = self.get_config_value("region", "OS_REGION_NAME") project_id = self.get_config_value("project_id", "OS_PROJECT_ID") if user_id: swift_credentials["username"] = user_id if project: swift_credentials["project_name"] = project os_options["project_name"] = project if object_storage_url: os_options["object_storage_url"] = object_storage_url if region: os_options["region_name"] = region if project_id: os_options["PROJECT_ID"] = project_id if auth_url: swift_credentials["auth_url"] = auth_url self.os_options = os_options self.auth = keystoneauth1.identity.v3.Password(**swift_credentials) self._test_connection() SwiftPath.register_backend(self) _SwiftAccessor.register_backend(self) global _swift_accessor _swift_accessor = _SwiftAccessor
[docs] def get_lock(self, path: Optional[str] = None) -> SwiftFileLock: """ Retrieve the appropriate `FileLock` backend for this storage plugin :param str path: The path to use for locking :return: A `FileLock` backend for obtaining locks :rtype: SwiftFileLock """ if path is None: path = str(self.mirror_base_path / ".lock") return SwiftFileLock(path, backend=self)
def _test_connection(self) -> None: with self.connection() as conn: try: resp_headers, containers = conn.get_account() except keystoneauth1.exceptions.catalog.EndpointNotFound as exc: logger.exception("Failed authenticating to swift.", exc_info=exc) else: "Validated swift credentials, successfully connected to swift!" ) return def _get_session(self) -> keystoneauth1.session.Session: return keystoneauth1.session.Session(auth=self.auth) @property def default_container(self) -> str: try: return self.configuration["swift"]["default_container"] except KeyError: return "bandersnatch"
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def connection(self) -> Generator[swiftclient.client.Connection, None, None]: with contextlib.closing( swiftclient.client.Connection( session=self._get_session(), os_options=self.os_options ) ) as swift_conn: yield swift_conn
[docs] def get_container(self, container: Optional[str] = None) -> List[Dict[str, str]]: """ Given the name of a container, return its contents. :param str container: The name of the desired container, defaults to :attr:`~SwiftStorage.default_container` :return: A list of objects in the container if it exists :rtype: List[Dict[str, str]] Example: >>> plugin.get_container("bandersnatch") [{ 'bytes': 1101, 'last_modified': '2020-02-27T19:10:17.922970', 'hash': 'a76b4c69bfcf82313bbdc0393b04438a', 'name': 'packages/pyyaml/PyYAML-5.3/LICENSE', 'content_type': 'application/octet-stream' }, { 'bytes': 1779, 'last_modified': '2020-02-27T19:10:17.845520', 'hash': 'c60081e1ad65830b098a7f21a8a8c90e', 'name': 'packages/pyyaml/PyYAML-5.3/PKG-INFO', 'content_type': 'application/octet-stream' }, { 'bytes': 1548, 'last_modified': '2020-02-27T19:10:17.730490', 'hash': '9a8bdf19e93d4b007598b5eb97b461eb', 'name': 'packages/pyyaml/PyYAML-5.3/README', 'content_type': 'application/octet-stream' }, ... ] """ if not container: container = self.default_container with self.connection() as conn: return conn.get_container(container) # type: ignore
[docs] def get_object(self, container_name: str, file_path: str) -> bytes: """Retrieve an object from swift, base64 decoding the contents.""" with self.connection() as conn: try: _, file_contents = conn.get_object(container_name, file_path) except swiftclient.exceptions.ClientException: raise FileNotFoundError(file_path) else: if len(file_contents) % 4 == 0 and BASE64_RE.fullmatch(file_contents): return base64.b64decode(file_contents) return bytes(file_contents)
[docs] def walk( self, root: PATH_TYPES, dirs: bool = True, conn: Optional[swiftclient.client.Connection] = None, ) -> List[SwiftPath]: results: List[SwiftPath] = [] with contextlib.ExitStack() as stack: if conn is None: conn = stack.enter_context(self.connection()) paths = conn.get_container(self.default_container, prefix=str(root)) for p in paths: if "subdir" in p and dirs: results.append(self.PATH_BACKEND(p["subdir"])) else: results.append(self.PATH_BACKEND(p["name"])) return results
[docs] def find(self, root: PATH_TYPES, dirs: bool = True) -> str: """A test helper simulating 'find'. Iterates over directories and filenames, given as relative paths to the root. """ results = self.walk(root, dirs=dirs) results.sort() return "\n".join(str(result.relative_to(root)) for result in results)
[docs] def compare_files(self, file1: PATH_TYPES, file2: PATH_TYPES) -> bool: """Compare two files, returning true if they are the same and False if not.""" file1_contents = self.read_file(file1, text=False) file2_contents = self.read_file(file2, text=False) assert isinstance(file1_contents, bytes) assert isinstance(file2_contents, bytes) file1_hash = hashlib.sha256(file1_contents).hexdigest() file2_hash = hashlib.sha256(file2_contents).hexdigest() return file1_hash == file2_hash
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def rewrite( self, filepath: PATH_TYPES, mode: str = "w", **kw: Any ) -> Generator[IO, None, None]: """Rewrite an existing file atomically to avoid programs running in parallel to have race conditions while reading.""" # TODO: Account for alternative backends if isinstance(filepath, str): filename = os.path.basename(filepath) else: filename = # Change naming format to be more friendly with distributed POSIX # filesystems like GlusterFS that hash based on filename # GlusterFS ignore '.' at the start of filenames and this avoid rehashing with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( mode=mode, prefix=f".{filename}.", delete=False, **kw ) as f: filepath_tmp = yield f if not os.path.exists(filepath_tmp): # Allow our clients to remove the file in case it doesn't want it to be # put in place actually but also doesn't want to error out. return os.chmod(filepath_tmp, 0o100644) self.copy_local_file(filepath_tmp, filepath) os.unlink(filepath_tmp)
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def update_safe(self, filename: PATH_TYPES, **kw: Any) -> Generator[IO, None, None]: """Rewrite a file atomically. Clients are allowed to delete the tmpfile to signal that they don't want to have it updated. """ with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( delete=False, prefix=f"{os.path.basename(filename)}.", **kw, ) as tf: tf.has_changed = False # type: ignore yield tf if not os.path.exists( return local_filename_tmp = pathlib.Path( filename_tmp = SwiftPath(f"{os.path.dirname(filename)}/{}") self.copy_local_file(str(local_filename_tmp), str(filename_tmp)) local_filename_tmp.unlink() if self.exists(filename) and self.compare_files( str(filename_tmp), str(filename) ): self.delete_file(filename_tmp) else: self.copy_file(filename_tmp, filename) self.delete_file(filename_tmp) tf.has_changed = True # type: ignore
[docs] def copy_local_file(self, source: PATH_TYPES, dest: PATH_TYPES) -> None: """Copy the contents of a local file to a destination in swift""" with open(source, "rb") as fh: self.write_file(str(dest), return
[docs] def copy_file( self, source: PATH_TYPES, dest: PATH_TYPES, dest_container: Optional[str] = None ) -> None: """Copy a file from **source** to **dest**""" if dest_container is None: dest_container = self.default_container dest = f"{dest_container}/{dest}" with self.connection() as conn: conn.copy_object(self.default_container, str(source), dest) return
[docs] def write_file( self, path: PATH_TYPES, contents: Union[str, bytes, IO], encoding: Optional[str] = None, errors: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """Write data to the provided path. If **contents** is a string, the file will be opened and written in "r" + "utf-8" mode, if bytes are supplied it will be accessed using "rb" mode (i.e. binary write).""" if encoding is not None: if errors is None: try: errors = sys.getfilesystemencodeerrors() # type: ignore except AttributeError: errors = "surrogateescape" if isinstance(contents, str): contents = contents.encode(encoding=encoding, errors=errors) elif isinstance(contents, bytes): contents = contents.decode(encoding=encoding, errors=errors) with self.connection() as conn: conn.put_object(self.default_container, str(path), contents) return
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def open_file( self, path: PATH_TYPES, text: bool = True ) -> Generator[IO, None, None]: """Yield a file context to iterate over. If text is false, open the file with 'rb' mode specified.""" wrapper = io.StringIO if text else io.BytesIO content: IO = wrapper(self.read_file(path, text=text)) yield content
[docs] def read_file( self, path: PATH_TYPES, text: bool = True, encoding: str = "utf-8", errors: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Union[str, bytes]: """Return the contents of the requested file, either a a bytestring or a unicode string depending on whether **text** is True""" content: Union[str, bytes] if not errors: try: errors = sys.getfilesystemencodeerrors() # type: ignore except AttributeError: errors = "surrogateescape" kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = {} if errors: kwargs["errors"] = errors content = self.get_object(self.default_container, str(path)) if text and isinstance(content, bytes): content = content.decode(encoding=encoding, **kwargs) return content
[docs] def delete_file(self, path: PATH_TYPES, dry_run: bool = False) -> int: """Delete the provided path, recursively if necessary.""" if not isinstance(path, pathlib.Path): path = pathlib.Path(path) log_prefix = "[DRY RUN] " if dry_run else "" with self.connection() as conn:"{log_prefix}Deleting item from object storage: {path}") if not dry_run: try: conn.delete_object(self.default_container, path.as_posix()) except swiftclient.exceptions.ClientException: raise FileNotFoundError(path.as_posix()) return 0
[docs] def mkdir( self, path: PATH_TYPES, exist_ok: bool = False, parents: bool = False ) -> None: """ Create the provided directory This operation is a no-op on swift. """ logger.warning( f"Creating directory in object storage: {path} with .swiftkeep file" ) if not isinstance(path, self.PATH_BACKEND): path = self.PATH_BACKEND(path) path.joinpath(".swiftkeep").touch()
[docs] def rmdir( self, path: PATH_TYPES, recurse: bool = False, force: bool = False, ignore_errors: bool = False, dry_run: bool = False, ) -> int: """ Remove the directory. If recurse is True, allow removing empty children. If force is true, remove contents destructively. """ if not force: if not isinstance(path, self.PATH_BACKEND): path = self.PATH_BACKEND(path) contents = list(path.iterdir(include_swiftkeep=True, recurse=True)) if contents and all( == ".swiftkeep" for p in contents): for p in contents: if == ".swiftkeep": p.unlink() raise OSError( "Object container directories are auto-destroyed when they are emptied" ) target_path = str(path) if target_path == ".": target_path = "" log_prefix = "[DRY RUN] " if dry_run else "" with self.connection() as conn: for item in self.walk(root=target_path):"{log_prefix}Deleting item from object storage: {item}") if not dry_run: conn.delete_object(self.default_container, str(item)) return 0
[docs] def exists(self, path: PATH_TYPES) -> bool: """Check whether the provided path exists""" if not isinstance(path, SwiftPath): path = SwiftPath(str(path)) target_path = str(path) if target_path == ".": target_path = "" return any([self.is_dir(path), self.is_file(path)])
[docs] def is_dir(self, path: PATH_TYPES) -> bool: """Check whether the provided path is a directory.""" if not isinstance(path, SwiftPath): path = SwiftPath(str(path)) target_path = str(path) if target_path == ".": target_path = "" if target_path and not target_path.endswith("/"): target_path = f"{target_path}/" files: List[str] = [] with self.connection() as conn: try: files = conn.get_container(self.default_container, prefix=target_path) except swiftclient.exceptions.ClientException: return False return bool(files)
[docs] def is_file(self, path: PATH_TYPES) -> bool: """Check whether the provided path is a file.""" if not isinstance(path, SwiftPath): path = SwiftPath(path) target_path = str(path) if target_path == ".": return False with self.connection() as conn: try: conn.head_object(self.default_container, target_path) except swiftclient.exceptions.ClientException: return False else: return True
[docs] def update_timestamp(self, path: PATH_TYPES) -> None: with self.connection() as conn: conn.post_object( self.default_container, str(path), {"x-timestamp": str(}, )
[docs] def get_hash(self, path: PATH_TYPES, function: str = "sha256") -> str: h = getattr(hashlib, function)(self.read_file(path, text=False)) return str(h.hexdigest())