Source code for bandersnatch.master

import asyncio
import logging
import re
import sys
from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor, ThreadPoolExecutor
from functools import partial
from os import environ
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, AsyncGenerator, Dict, Optional, Union

import aiohttp
from aiohttp_socks import ProxyConnector
from aiohttp_xmlrpc.client import ServerProxy

import bandersnatch

from .errors import PackageNotFound
from .utils import USER_AGENT

if sys.version_info >= (3, 8) and sys.platform.startswith("win"):

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
FIVE_HOURS_FLOAT = 5 * 60 * 60.0

[docs]class StalePage(Exception): """We got a page back from PyPI that doesn't meet our expected serial."""
[docs]class XmlRpcError(aiohttp.ClientError): """Issue getting package listing from PyPI Repository"""
[docs]class Master: def __init__( self, url: str, timeout: float = 10.0, global_timeout: Optional[float] = FIVE_HOURS_FLOAT, proxy: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: self.proxy = proxy self.loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() self.timeout = timeout self.global_timeout = global_timeout or FIVE_HOURS_FLOAT self.url = url if self.url.startswith("http://"): err = f"Master URL {url} is not https scheme" logger.error(err) raise ValueError(err) def _check_for_socks_proxy(self) -> Optional[ProxyConnector]: """Check env for a SOCKS proxy URL and return a connector if found""" proxy_vars = ( "https_proxy", "http_proxy", "all_proxy", ) socks_proxy_re = re.compile(r"^socks[45]h?:\/\/.+") proxy_url = None for proxy_var in proxy_vars: for pv in (proxy_var, proxy_var.upper()): proxy_url = environ.get(pv) if proxy_url: break if proxy_url: break if not proxy_url or not socks_proxy_re.match(proxy_url): return None logger.debug(f"Creating a SOCKS ProxyConnector to use {proxy_url}") return ProxyConnector.from_url(proxy_url) async def __aenter__(self) -> "Master": logger.debug("Initializing Master's aiohttp ClientSession") custom_headers = {"User-Agent": USER_AGENT} skip_headers = {"User-Agent"} aiohttp_timeout = aiohttp.ClientTimeout( total=self.global_timeout, sock_connect=self.timeout, sock_read=self.timeout, ) socks_connector = self._check_for_socks_proxy() self.session = aiohttp.ClientSession( connector=socks_connector, headers=custom_headers, skip_auto_headers=skip_headers, timeout=aiohttp_timeout, trust_env=True if not socks_connector else False, raise_for_status=True, ) return self async def __aexit__(self, *exc: Any) -> None: logger.debug("Closing Master's aiohttp ClientSession and waiting 0.1 seconds") await self.session.close() # Give time for things to actually close to avoid warnings # await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
[docs] async def check_for_stale_cache( self, path: str, required_serial: Optional[int], got_serial: Optional[int] ) -> None: # The PYPI-LAST-SERIAL header allows us to identify cached entries, # e.g. via the public CDN or private, transparent mirrors and avoid us # injecting stale entries into the mirror without noticing. if required_serial is not None: # I am not making required_serial an optional argument because I # want you to think really hard before passing in None. This is a # really important check to achieve consistency and you should only # leave it out if you know what you're doing. if not got_serial or got_serial < required_serial: logger.debug( f"Expected PyPI serial {required_serial} for request {path} " + f"but got {got_serial}" ) # HACK: The following attempts to purge the cache of the page we # just tried to fetch. This works around PyPI's caches sometimes # returning a stale serial for a package. Ideally, this should # be fixed on the PyPI side, at which point the following code # should be removed. # Timeout: uses self.sessions's timeout value logger.debug(f"Issuing a PURGE for {path} to clear the cache") try: async with self.session.request("PURGE", path): pass except (aiohttp.ClientError, asyncio.TimeoutError): logger.warning( "Got an error when attempting to clear the cache", exc_info=True ) raise StalePage( f"Expected PyPI serial {required_serial} for request {path} " + f"but got {got_serial}. " + "HTTP PURGE has been issued to the request url" )
[docs] async def get( self, path: str, required_serial: Optional[int], **kw: Any ) -> AsyncGenerator[aiohttp.ClientResponse, None]: logger.debug(f"Getting {path} (serial {required_serial})") if not path.startswith(("https://", "http://")): path = self.url + path if not kw.get("proxy") and self.proxy: kw["proxy"] = self.proxy logger.debug(f"Using proxy set in configuration: {self.proxy}") async with self.session.get(path, **kw) as r: got_serial = ( int(r.headers[PYPI_SERIAL_HEADER]) if PYPI_SERIAL_HEADER in r.headers else None ) await self.check_for_stale_cache(path, required_serial, got_serial) yield r
# TODO: Add storage backend support / refactor - #554
[docs] async def url_fetch( self, url: str, file_path: Path, executor: Optional[Union[ProcessPoolExecutor, ThreadPoolExecutor]] = None, chunk_size: int = 65536, ) -> None:"Fetching {url}") await self.loop.run_in_executor( executor, partial(file_path.parent.mkdir, parents=True, exist_ok=True) ) async with self.session.get(url) as response: with"wb") as fd: while True: chunk = await if not chunk: break fd.write(chunk)
@property def xmlrpc_url(self) -> str: return f"{self.url}/pypi" # TODO: Potentially make USER_AGENT more accessible from aiohttp-xmlrpc async def _gen_custom_headers(self) -> Dict[str, str]: # Create dummy client so we can copy the USER_AGENT + prepend bandersnatch info dummy_client = ServerProxy(self.xmlrpc_url, loop=self.loop) custom_headers = { "User-Agent": ( f"bandersnatch {bandersnatch.__version__} {dummy_client.USER_AGENT}" ) } await dummy_client.close() return custom_headers async def _gen_xmlrpc_client(self) -> ServerProxy: custom_headers = await self._gen_custom_headers() client = ServerProxy( self.xmlrpc_url, client=self.session, loop=self.loop, headers=custom_headers, ) return client # TODO: Add an async context manager to aiohttp-xmlrpc to replace this function
[docs] async def rpc(self, method_name: str, serial: int = 0) -> Any: try: client = await self._gen_xmlrpc_client() method = getattr(client, method_name) if serial: return await method(serial) return await method() except asyncio.TimeoutError as te: logger.error(f"Call to {method_name} @ {self.xmlrpc_url} timed out: {te}")
[docs] async def all_packages(self) -> Any: all_packages_with_serial = await self.rpc("list_packages_with_serial") if not all_packages_with_serial: raise XmlRpcError("Unable to get full list of packages") return all_packages_with_serial
[docs] async def changed_packages(self, last_serial: int) -> Dict[str, int]: changelog = await self.rpc("changelog_since_serial", last_serial) if changelog is None: changelog = [] packages: Dict[str, int] = {} for package, _version, _time, _action, serial in changelog: if serial > packages.get(package, 0): packages[package] = serial return packages
[docs] async def get_package_metadata(self, package_name: str, serial: int = 0) -> Any: try: metadata_generator = self.get(f"/pypi/{package_name}/json", serial) metadata_response = await metadata_generator.asend(None) metadata = await metadata_response.json() return metadata except aiohttp.ClientResponseError as e: if e.status == 404: raise PackageNotFound(package_name) raise