Source code for bandersnatch.verify

import argparse
import asyncio
import concurrent.futures
import json
import logging
import sys
from argparse import Namespace
from asyncio.queues import Queue
from configparser import ConfigParser
from pathlib import Path
from sys import stderr
from typing import List, Optional, Set
from urllib.parse import urlparse

import aiohttp

from .filter import LoadedFilters
from .master import Master
from .storage import storage_backend_plugins
from .utils import convert_url_to_path, find_all_files, hash, unlink_parent_dir

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def on_error(stop_on_error: bool, exception: BaseException, package: str) -> None: if isinstance(exception, KeyboardInterrupt): # Setting self.errors to True to ensure we don't save Serial # and thus save to disk that we've had a successful sync "Cancelling, all downloads are forcibly stopped, data may be " + "corrupted." ) elif isinstance(exception, TypeError) or isinstance(exception, ValueError): # This occurs for testing or when todolist is corrupt pass else: if package: logger.exception(f"Error syncing package: {package}") if stop_on_error: logger.error("Exiting early after error.") sys.exit(1)
[docs]async def get_latest_json( master: Master, json_path: Path, executor: Optional[concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor] = None, delete_removed_packages: bool = False, ) -> None: url_parts = urlparse(master.url) url = f"{url_parts.scheme}://{url_parts.netloc}/pypi/{}/json" logger.debug(f"Updating {} json from {url}") new_json_path = json_path.parent / f"{}.new" try: await master.url_fetch(url, new_json_path, executor) except aiohttp.ClientResponseError as e: if e.status == 404: # A 404 means that the package has been removed from PyPI. # Allow function to continue, and remove package files if applicable. # write a blank json file to make the deletion process go through pass else: raise if new_json_path.exists(): json_path.write_bytes(new_json_path.read_bytes()) new_json_path.unlink() else: logger.error( f"{str(new_json_path)} does not exist - Did not get new JSON metadata" ) if delete_removed_packages and json_path.exists(): logger.debug(f"Unlinking {json_path} - assuming it does not exist upstream") json_path.unlink()
[docs]async def delete_unowned_files( mirror_base: Path, executor: concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor, all_package_files: List[Path], dry_run: bool, ) -> int: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() packages_path = mirror_base / "web" / "packages" all_fs_files: Set[Path] = set() await loop.run_in_executor(executor, find_all_files, all_fs_files, packages_path) all_package_files_set = set(all_package_files) unowned_files = all_fs_files - all_package_files_set f"We have {len(all_package_files_set)} files. " + f"{len(unowned_files)} unowned files" ) if not unowned_files:"{mirror_base} has no files to delete") return 0 if dry_run: print("[DRY RUN] Unowned file list:", file=stderr) for f in sorted(unowned_files): print(f) else: del_coros = [] for file_path in unowned_files: del_coros.append( loop.run_in_executor(executor, unlink_parent_dir, file_path) ) await asyncio.gather(*del_coros) return 0
[docs]async def verify( master: Master, config: ConfigParser, json_file: str, mirror_base_path: Path, all_package_files: List[Path], args: argparse.Namespace, executor: Optional[concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor] = None, releases_key: str = "releases", ) -> None: json_base = mirror_base_path / "web" / "json" json_full_path = json_base / json_file loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()"Parsing {json_file}") stop_on_error = config.getboolean("mirror", "stop-on-error") if args.json_update: if not args.dry_run: try: await get_latest_json(master, json_full_path, executor, args.delete) except Exception as e: on_error(stop_on_error, e, package=json_file) else:"[DRY RUN] Would of grabbed latest json for {json_file}") if ( hasattr(json_full_path, "keep_file") and == json_full_path.keep_file # type: ignore ): logger.debug( f"Skipping deleting JSON file due to keep_file attribute " f"being set {str(json_full_path)}" ) return if not json_full_path.exists(): logger.debug(f"Not trying to sync package as {json_full_path} does not exist") return try: with"r") as jfp: pkg = json.load(jfp) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError as jde: logger.error(f"Failed to load {json_full_path}: {jde} - skipping ...") return # apply releases filter plugins like class Package for plugin in LoadedFilters().filter_release_plugins() or []: plugin.filter(pkg) deferred_exception = None for release_version in pkg[releases_key]: for jpkg in pkg[releases_key][release_version]: pkg_file = mirror_base_path / "web" / convert_url_to_path(jpkg["url"]) if not pkg_file.exists(): if args.dry_run:"{jpkg['url']} would be fetched") all_package_files.append(pkg_file) continue else: try: await master.url_fetch(jpkg["url"], pkg_file, executor) except Exception as e: logger.exception( "Continuing to next file after error downloading: " f"{jpkg['url']}" ) if not deferred_exception: # keep first exception deferred_exception = e continue calc_sha256 = await loop.run_in_executor(executor, hash, pkg_file) if calc_sha256 != jpkg["digests"]["sha256"]: if not args.dry_run: await loop.run_in_executor(None, pkg_file.unlink) await master.url_fetch(jpkg["url"], pkg_file, executor) else: f"[DRY RUN] {jpkg['info']['name']} has a sha256 mismatch." ) all_package_files.append(pkg_file) if deferred_exception: on_error(stop_on_error, deferred_exception, package=json_file)"Finished validating {json_file}")
[docs]async def verify_producer( master: Master, config: ConfigParser, all_package_files: List[Path], mirror_base_path: Path, json_files: List[str], args: argparse.Namespace, executor: Optional[concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor] = None, ) -> None: queue: asyncio.Queue = asyncio.Queue() for jf in json_files: await queue.put(jf) async def consume(q: Queue) -> None: while not q.empty(): json_file = await q.get() await verify( master, config, json_file, mirror_base_path, all_package_files, args, executor, ) await asyncio.gather( *[consume(queue)] * config.getint("mirror", "verifiers", fallback=3) )
[docs]async def metadata_verify(config: ConfigParser, args: Namespace) -> int: """Crawl all saved JSON metadata or online to check we have all packages if delete - generate a diff of unowned files""" all_package_files: List[Path] = [] storage_backend = next( iter( storage_backend_plugins( config=config, clear_cache=True, backend=config.get("mirror", "storage-backend"), ) ) ) mirror_base_path = storage_backend.PATH_BACKEND(config.get("mirror", "directory")) json_base = mirror_base_path / "web" / "json" workers = args.workers or config.getint("mirror", "workers") executor = concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=workers)"Starting verify for {mirror_base_path} with {workers} workers") try: json_files = list( for x in json_base.iterdir()) except FileExistsError as fee: logger.error(f"Metadata base dir {json_base} does not exist: {fee}") return 2 if not json_files: logger.error("No JSON metadata files found. Can not verify") return 3 logger.debug(f"Found {len(json_files)} objects in {json_base}") logger.debug(f"Using a {workers} thread ThreadPoolExecutor") async with Master( config.get("mirror", "master"), config.getfloat("mirror", "timeout"), config.getfloat("mirror", "global-timeout", fallback=None), ) as master: await verify_producer( master, config, all_package_files, mirror_base_path, json_files, args, executor, ) if not args.delete: return 0 return await delete_unowned_files( mirror_base_path, executor, all_package_files, args.dry_run )