# Contributing So you want to help out? **Awesome**. Go you! ## Code of Conduct Everyone interacting in the bandersnatch project's codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms, and mailing lists is expected to follow the [PSF Code of Conduct](https://github.com/pypa/.github/blob/main/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md). ## Getting Started Bandersnatch is developed using the [GitHub Flow](https://docs.github.com/en/get-started/quickstart/github-flow) ### Pre Install Please make sure you system has the following: - Python 3.8.0 or greater - git client - docker - *Optional* but needed to run S3 Tests ### Checkout `bandersnatch` Lets now cd to where we want the code and clone the repo: - `cd somewhere` - `git clone git@github.com:pypa/bandersnatch.git` ### Development venv One way to develop and install all the dependencies of bandersnatch is to use a venv. - First create one and upgrade `pip` ```console python3 -m venv /path/to/venv /path/to/venv/bin/pip install --upgrade pip ``` For example: ```console $ python3 -m venv bandersnatchvenv $ bandersnatchvenv/bin/pip install --upgrade pip Collecting pip Using cached https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/0f/74/ecd13431bcc456ed390b44c8a6e917c1820365cbebcb6a8974d1cd045ab4/pip-10.0.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl Installing collected packages: pip Found existing installation: pip 9.0.3 Uninstalling pip-9.0.3: Successfully uninstalled pip-9.0.3 Successfully installed pip-10.0.1 ``` - Then install the dependencies to the venv: ``` console /path/to/venv/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt -r test-requirements.txt ``` For example: ```console $ bandersnatchvenv/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt -r test-requirements.txt ... Collecting pyparsing==2.1.10 (from -r requirements.txt (line 3)) Downloading https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/2b/f7/e5a178fc3ea4118a0edce2a8d51fc14e680c745cf4162e4285b437c43c94/pyparsing-2.1.10-py2.py3-none-any.whl (56kB) 100% |████████████████████████████████| 61kB 2.3MB/s ... Installing collected packages: six, pyparsing, python-dateutil, packaging, requests, xmlrpc2, bandersnatch, pycodestyle, mccabe, pyflakes, flake8, pep8, py, pluggy, more-itertools, attrs, pytest, pytest-codecheckers, coverage, pytest-cov, pytest-timeout, apipkg, execnet, pytest-cache, virtualenv, tox Running setup.py install for pytest-codecheckers ... done Running setup.py install for pytest-cache ... done Successfully installed apipkg-1.4 attrs-18.1.0 bandersnatch-2.1.3 coverage-4.5.1 execnet-1.5.0 flake8-3.5.0 mccabe-0.6.1 more-itertools-4.1.0 packaging-16.8 pep8-1.7.1 pluggy-0.6.0 py-1.5.3 pycodestyle-2.3.1 pyflakes-1.6.0 pyparsing-2.1.10 pytest-3.5.1 pytest-cache-1.0 pytest-codecheckers-0.2 pytest-cov-2.5.1 pytest-timeout-1.2.1 python-dateutil-2.6.0 requests-2.12.4 six-1.10.0 tox-3.0.0 virtualenv-15.2.0 xmlrpc2-0.3.1 ``` - Then install bandersnatch in editable mode: ```console /path/to/venv/bin/pip install -e . ``` - (Optional) finally setup pre-commit to run automatically before committing: ```console /path/to/venv/bin/pre-commit run -a ``` Congrats, now you have a bandersnatch development environment ready to go! Just a few details to cover left. ### S3 Unit Tests S3 unittests are more integration tests. They depend on [minio](https://docs.min.io/) to work. - You will either need to skip them or install mino - Install options: https://docs.min.io/docs/ #### Docker Install Docker is an easy way to get minio to run for tests to pass. ```console docker run \ -p 9000:9000 \ -p 9001:9001 \ --name minio \ -v /Users/cooper/tmp/minio:/data \ minio/minio server /data --console-address ":9001" ``` ## Creating a Pull Request ### Changelog entry PRs must have an entry in CHANGES.md that references the PR number in the format of "PR #{number}". You can get the number your PR will be assigned beforehand using [Next PR Number](https://ichard26.github.io/next-pr-number/?owner=pypa&name=bandersnatch). **Some trivial changes (eg. typo fixes) won't need an entry, but most of the time, your change will. If unsure, take a look at what's been logged before or just add one to be safe.** This is enforced by a GitHub Actions workflow. ## Linting We use pre-commit to run linters and formatters. If you never configured pre-commit to run automatically or just want to do a full check of the codebase, please run pre-commit directly. ```console cd bandersnatch /path/to/venv/bin/pre-commit -a ``` ## Running Bandersnatch You will need to customize `src/bandersnatch/default.conf` and run via the following: **WARNING: Bandersnatch will go off and sync from pypi.org and use large amounts of disk space!** ``` console cd bandersnatch /path/to/venv/bin/pip install --upgrade . /path/to/venv/bin/bandersnatch -c src/bandersnatch/default.conf mirror ``` ## Running Unit Tests We use tox to run tests. `tox.ini` has the options needed, so running tests is very easy. ```console cd bandersnatch /path/to/venv/bin/tox [-vv] [-e py3|docs] ``` Example output: ```console $ tox GLOB sdist-make: /Users/dhubbard/PycharmProjects/bandersnatch/setup.py py36 create: /Users/dhubbard/PycharmProjects/bandersnatch/.tox/py36 py36 installdeps: -rtest-requirements.txt py36 inst: /Users/dhubbard/PycharmProjects/bandersnatch/.tox/dist/bandersnatch-2.2.1.zip py36 installed: apipkg==1.4,attrs==18.1.0,bandersnatch==2.2.1,certifi==2018.4.16,chardet==3.0.4,coverage==4.5.1,execnet==1.5.0,flake8==3.5.0,idna==2.6,mccabe==0.6.1,more-itertools==4.1.0,packaging==17.1,pep8==1.7.1,pluggy==0.6.0,py==1.5.3,pycodestyle==2.3.1,pyflakes==1.6.0,pyparsing==2.2.0,pytest==3.5.1,pytest-cache==1.0,pytest-codecheckers==0.2,pytest-cov==2.5.1,pytest-timeout==1.2.1,python-dateutil==2.7.3,requests==2.18.4,six==1.11.0,tox==3.0.0,urllib3==1.22,virtualenv==15.2.0,xmlrpc2==0.3.1 py36 runtests: PYTHONHASHSEED='42669967' py36 runtests: commands[0] | pytest ========================================================================================================================= test session starts ========================================================================================================================= platform darwin -- Python 3.6.5, pytest-3.5.1, py-1.5.3, pluggy-0.6.0 rootdir: /Users/dhubbard/PycharmProjects/bandersnatch, inifile: pytest.ini plugins: timeout-1.2.1, cov-2.5.1, codecheckers-0.2 timeout: 10.0s method: signal collected 94 items src/bandersnatch/__init__.py .. [ 2%] src/bandersnatch/buildout.py .. [ 4%] src/bandersnatch/log.py .. [ 6%] src/bandersnatch/main.py .. [ 8%] src/bandersnatch/master.py .. [ 10%] src/bandersnatch/mirror.py .. [ 12%] src/bandersnatch/package.py .. [ 14%] src/bandersnatch/release.py .. [ 17%] src/bandersnatch/utils.py .. [ 19%] src/bandersnatch/tests/conftest.py .. [ 21%] src/bandersnatch/tests/test_main.py ....... [ 28%] src/bandersnatch/tests/test_master.py ........... [ 40%] src/bandersnatch/tests/test_mirror.py .................... [ 61%] src/bandersnatch/tests/test_package.py .............................. [ 93%] src/bandersnatch/tests/test_utils.py ...... [100%] ---------- coverage: platform darwin, python 3.6.5-final-0 ----------- Coverage HTML written to dir htmlcov ====================================================================================================================== 94 passed in 3.40 seconds ====================================================================================================================== _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ summary _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ py36: commands succeeded congratulations :) ``` You want to see: ```console py3: commands succeeded congratulations :) ``` ## Making a bandersnatch release to GitHub + PyPI Please rely on our [pypi_upload](https://github.com/pypa/bandersnatch/blob/main/.github/workflows/pypi_upload.yml) GitHub actions to build and upload our releases. - To cut a release first make a PR updating: - the version in `setup.cfg` + `src/badnersnatch/__init__.py` - Update `CHANGES.md`. Here check for typos + missing commits that should be mentioned - Example PR: https://github.com/pypa/bandersnatch/pull/1069 - THen, once merged and CI is passing - Cut a [GitHub Release](https://docs.github.com/en/repositories/releasing-projects-on-github/managing-releases-in-a-repository) and GitHub Actions will package and upload to PyPI. - https://github.com/pypa/bandersnatch/releases - Select "Draft a new release" ### Conventions - Use the version as the branch and tag names - Copy the Change Log for the version from CHANGES.md - The web form supports markdown so it can be directly copied